Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Watching" Madeleine

I was sitting on the couch with my feet on the ottoman. Madeleine had been going between Jahno and I asking us to read. She went around to the other side of the ottoman and sat down. I could still see her and it looked like she was reading. She ran to the kitchen to get a toy and the ran back over to her play area and then went back to behind the ottoman. She picked up something and I asked what it was and I thought she said Bandaid. I asked her to bring it to me and it was a piece of gum. I got up to look where that would have come was all over the floor. Madeleine had gotten into my purse, unwrapped and tore apart a whole pack of gum. I looked for my camera but it was MIA. Also there were no wrappers anywhere around.I gathered up the gum and went to throw it away and there were all the wrappers in the at least she cleaned up after herself...kinda. And she did not put even one piece of gum in her mouth. So we are going to have to watch that kid a lot closer!
Also I tend to blame Jahno for Maddie's OCD tendencies. We got all of our Easter stuff for Maddie and MOM's Club and had some left overs. I decided I wanted a little packet of nerds. I opened them up and they were rainbow. My food can't touch and I don't mix flavors even with candy so this is a problem. Not even thinking I got a plate separated the colors and started eating the the blues and then the purples and as I finished the purples I realized what I had done. So I might have some OCD tendencies also...but Maddie's mainly come for Jahno. :-)
Oh and when we cleaning up before bed I found my camera.

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