Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday Thoughts

So Madeleine is napping and I usually nap with her but today I decided to stay up and clean a little and get ready for the beach. We are going to go to the beach for a little bit this afternoon. I just got this burst of energy and ideas of things to do. I just hit the second trimester so maybe that is the reason. Anyways. This weekend we are planning on moving everything around and get the baby's room empty, I am excited about that. Now just have to wait to find out the gender so I can start decorating. I was slightly obsessing over finding out what we were having but I no it will only take time. I did all the myths and all are pointing towards a boy though part of me still hopes for a girl. At MOM's club the other day we were talking about Car Seat Expiration dates. For some reason I was slightly obsessing, looking up every article I could find and found that car seats last between 5 and 6 years unless otherwise noted. So then I went to look at my car seat and after much searching I found the date in the plastic, "Do not use this car seat after December 2012". YAY I have plenty of time for this baby and maybe even another one. Just joking, we are just planning on 2. Anyways. I am going to go get Madeleine up and we are heading to the beach. I will blog and post some pictures later tonight.

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