Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just some pictures

This morning I was suppose to be doing homework but got a little side tracked. We were playing with Gianna and she was laughing and talking to us. I tried to record it but she wasn't loud enough and didn't really want to preform on que. :-)

Madeleine and I tickling Gianna

Gianna's many happy expressions

Madeleine with her Fish

Friday, January 29, 2010

Madeleine's Reward

Over the Christmas break Natalie left her Beta at our house and we babysat it for almost a month. During that time Madeleine renamed the fish and told me that the fish was hers. I explained that it was Nat Nat's fish and it WAS going back. She did this really really sad face and said she wanted a goldfish. (The light bulb went off) I told Maddie when she went potty in the potty all the time we would go get her a goldfish. She was pretty excited. We started really potty training last week with only a couple of accidents. I told her if she did not have any accidents this week we would go get her a goldfish. Madeleine did it! She was sick last night so she stayed home from school today. She was feeling perfectly fine so we ran some errands and finally got a goldfish...except it isn't a goldfish.

We went to Pets Mart and started looking at the goldfish and all the other fish. We ended up with 2 Black Tetra Fish which are tropical fish, they are Clear/Silver with black stripes. Our friend Daniel had a 10 gallon tank and all the stuff which is why I said ok to the tropical fish. As we were going home we asked Maddie what she wanted to name then. She said Dorthy. We asked about the other one and she said Max and Ruby. We tried to narrow them down with her but she just didn't understand. I was getting everything set up and realized I needed some other stuff so I went to Wal-mart, got the stuff and a "gold"fish...another Tetra but it has orange on it. So we have Dorthy, Max and Ruby. So my cheap idea turned into a pretty pricey one and much more work. Oh well. I did add some A&M flare. :-) Here are a couple of pictures.

It is hard to see the fish but here is the tank.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh My...

We are in our second week of school and things are moving along nicely. This is the 3rd week for the girls and both seem to be doing great. Madeleine has had a couple of mornings where she want to stay with me but that is to be expected. Madeleine's music teacher sent me a picture of Madeleine playing the trombone and it is just so cute. When I get home I am going to try to post it on here. I had my first test today and I completely over studied but that is ok. I am trying to stay ahead since I have 3 labs which are going to take up a lot of time. Today I became what I would like to think a class hero...there were these 2 girls talking and just kept getting louder and louder. I was getting annoyed and soon realized so was everyone else. I kindly asked the girls, "Would you please continue your conversation outside?" They hushed and after class everyone was telling me thank you for saying something! :-) After that I had chem lab and we got out early so I went to donate blood. I looked at my watch and thought I had 45 mins which I thought was enough. It wasn't! I was going to be 10 mins late to class so I grab my stuff and take off. I get to my class and the door is closed which I thought was kinda weird so I pulled out my schedule to double check the room. I was right, so I walked in only to have a class full of people stare at me...IT WASN'T MY CLASS! So I go sit down and drink some apple juice thinking maybe I was a little crazy from the giving blood. I read my schedule again, walked by the class again and go into panic mode because I can't figure out what is going on or what to do. I go outside where it is cool pull out my phone and see that I had read my watch wrong and my class was not for another 50 mins. I felt pretty dumb. Oh well I guess I can only be cool for a short amount of time before I blow it. :-)Well, according to my watch, my phone and the computer it is almost time for class. I will try to post pictures tonight.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

School Started

I started my classes today at A&M Galveston and had a blast! My Biology class is going to be somewhat easy because I have already taken the upper level biologies so I am a step ahead of the game. My Chem 2 lab so be interesting...I like the teacher but I am not looking forward to the lab write ups. And my Conservation Biology is going to be very interesting. The profession reminds me of the shark on Finding Nemo who talks about the dolphins. I also can't wait for the labs, the Conservation Biology we get to go on field trips. Tomorrow I have Contemporary Math Topics and Chem Lecture. Thursday is when I have my 2 bio labs. I am sooo excited!

The girls are doing great in their school also. Madeleine had Tumblebus again today and loved it. She has Dance tomorrow and talks about it often and then music on Thursday. She is also doing very well with the potty training. She has not had an accident at school...she has had one at home because she did not want to stop playing. We are praying that this time the potty training works!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Some Pictures

Madeleine ready for Dance. (She is in the not smiling stage)

Gianna in her new Jumper and then relaxing in her Bouncer.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Girls Start School

Monday was the girls first day of school. Gianna already has all of her teachers wrapped around her finger. Madeleine did great, she made new friends, learned about winter and they are studying Matthew 5:5. We also signed Madeleine up for Tumblebus, Dance and Music. Tumblebus is gymnastics in a bus, Dance is mainly ballet and Music she will learn to play in different instrument each month. I got her Ballet stuff today and it is sooooo cute! She did Tumblebus today, she has Dance tomorrow and Music on Thursday. I will post pictures of her in her ballet outfit tomorrow. I have my new student conference on Friday, I register then and I start class on Tuesday! I am sooo anxious and excited! I am also really glad that the girls are doing so well and enjoying their school. More tomorrow.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Brrr Rabbit!!!

So it is just a little too cold down here. I know I know, all you people up north are so much colder but we have miserable summers so we should have pleasant winters. Ok, wishful thinking. I knew it was cold but I did not realize how cold it was and I left the house with just a sweater and poor Gianna only wrapped in a blanket...Maddie was nice and toasty in her winter jacket. We had to run some errands and after the wind trying to take off my car door and freezing at the gas station I decided our first stop would be Babies-r-us. I have a little pink cold suit for Gianna but it is just one layer of fleece, we need something heavy duty for this winter. All the winter stuff was on clearance which is good and bad, good for the prices but bad for the selection. I ended up with a black snowsuit and of course some other stuff. After paying for everything I put Madeleine in the little ride by the door and put Gianna in her suit. As I am doing this a very pregnant woman comes up and asks how I do it with 2 kids and if it is hard...a little late to be worrying about that lady! She had a 2 year old and was about to have her second. Anyways Gianna looks like the little brother on A Christmas Story! It is so cute but I do feel a little bad. Her pink one looks like the rabbit suit Ralphy get for Christmas so I am not sure which one is worse. I will have to get some pictures of the pink one but here are some pictures of the girls and my new car.
So cute

So snug she went to sleep

Geez Mom, that's enough!

My camera has a delay and I miss her smile every time, but she is still adorable

Gianna loves her big sister Madeleine!

My Girls (Madeleine being silly)

My new car

The dash with the screen and push start

There will be an A&M sticker back there soon! :-)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New Stuff

New Years Eve we decided to spend with family and we had a blast. The girls went to stay with Nana. New Years Day we went to Jahno's grandparents for lunch. After that we went car shopping. We had sat down, wrote up a budget for when I go to school and doing that we found out gas was going to kill us...a premium gas guzzler and I will be drive 120 miles a day. We found several Toyota Prius' that we liked. The first place did not want to do business with us so we walked and the next place had 4 online and when we got there they only had 1. It was my least favorite color but all the extras made up for it and they gave us a great deal. For the first time ever I do not feel like we were taken advantage of! Oh...each document says it is a different color, gold/beige/khaki. Anyways I am loving my car and the fact that I am getting over 40mpg make it even better.

Update on the girls and nanny vs school. The nanny fell through so the girls are going to start school. We really wanted Maddie in school anyways but didn't want Gianna exposed to all the germs. Their school looks almost sterile and they are big on good hygiene so here's to hoping they stay healthy. Right now they both have a cold that Jahno brought home and now I am starting to feel yucky. :-( I am hoping we are all better by the time we all start school.

We FINALLY got the results from MD Anderson. It turns out the mass was an ovary and a fallopian tube. The ultrasound showed that she has two ovaries we couldn't see the fallopian tubes. They think since she has 2 ovaries than she should have 2 fallopian tubes but we have to decide if we want to do further testing now or later or not at all. They think that she was just born with this extra stuff, people are born with extra stuff all the time and never know or find out later. We just found out because the hernia caught it. Her incision is still healing but the infection is gone. So she is doing well and is going to be fine.