Friday, April 17, 2009

April Birthday Party

Mom's Club does a monthly birthday party (I think) for all the kids and we were finally able to go. Even though there was a chance of rain it was at Resoft Park. Madeleine wanted to start playing as soon as we got there. I was only able to keep her in the smaller playground for a short time and once she saw the big slides it was over. She also found the stairs and we went down the stairs, up the hill across the swing bridge over and over again. We also fed the ducks and Maddie actually fed them and didn't run when they came close. There were baby ducks which were sooooo cute! They were just as aggressive as the big ducks at getting bread. Here are some pictures.

After the party we went to Salad Express which was absolutely yummy!!! Then we had to go to Target to pick up a couple gifts. I like the fact that registry tell you what a person wants but with out a little picture it is very hard to find exactly what they want. There are isles and isles if the same product but different colors...seriously. Anyways, I finally found one of the several things I decided on and moved to the toys. Jahno's...I guess boss's daughter is having a birthday party and we were going to drop by. I know nothing about her and we don't have to bring a gift but I felt like we should take a little something. Jahno had told me she was 8 and was doing crafts when he was over there. Well, I tried to call him to double check on her age and I had no reception. So it came down to this Pottery Tea Set that you painted or this thing you make really cool jewelry out of. Well, She is the only girl and they have a dog so I figured the glass tea set would just break so I got the jewelry set it was not to mention it was for 4+ and the tea set was 8+. I finally got out of the toy section with this really cool jewelry set and cookie monster for Madeleine. As we left Madeleine did not want to hold my hand as we walked through the parking lot, so I held her by her arm, screaming through the parking lot. But once we got to the car she saw Harvey and was fine. What a mess! Oh Harvey is a bunny Meme gave Madeleine for Easter. Madeleine calls him Haarrr-Vey, It is so cute. So that was our Friday!

1 comment:

Aimee Scogin said...

I love the picture of Maddie in the slide! Too cute!