Monday, April 13, 2009


Well after an exhausting weekend we all slept very well last night. Madeleine even slept a little later and if she had not lost her pacifier even later...which would have been really nice. We went grocery shopping and I saved $18 on top of spending half of what I usually do because I took the advice of the hillbilly housewife. Maddie was being a little difficult but for some reason everyone wanted to stop and talk about how cute and well behaved she was. We finally finished and were heading home when Madeleine started telling me she was hungry. I decided to grab something and the whole way home she was saying "Please Mommy?" We got home and she ate 5 chicken nuggets while I put up the groceries. We both laid down for a nap...I slept for several hours...Madeleine slept for close to 5 hours...I guess we were all tired! I got ready to start dinner and I double checked the recipe to make sure how long it would take. I chopped and got everything together and then realized it did need to marinate....grrrrrr!!! So I put it in the fridge and called Jahno we could either go to Salad Expess or have PBJ's...I was thinking he would give in and we would go to Salad Express, but No. Everything else on the menu called for long prep or long cook times so grrrr. Maddie and I have PBJ's often so I really didn't want that. I searched and searched and decided to make Chicken salad...yes, I would have to chop more stuff but it was better than nothing. So today I have chopped more than I have my whole life between the 2 dinners and all my fruit! Well, dinner tomorrow will be easy, Grilled Spicy Mango Chicken...well marinated. I will get the hang of the cooking sooner or later...I WILL!!!
After Dinner, Madeleine was asking us to read to her...again and again. Usually she just say "Read, Read" and hands us a book. Tonight she looked at me and said "Mommy, Please Read." And sat down in her new chair. It was the cutest thing and just melted our hearts. So I read Thomas the Train 4 times! I will try to get some pictures of her new chair.

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