Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mom's Day Cookout

It was a little bit of a hectic morning...Madeleine did not wake up until 8:45am. I woke up about 8:30, got up and tried to get to the store before Madeleine heard me. No go, as I started for the front door I heard, MAMA, MAMA, MAMA. I went back upstairs and Daddy was with her. I went to the store and was so scatter brained. I thought I just needed a hand basket, I got my first couple of things and realized I was going to need a basket...I had to go all the way back to the front. Got most of my groceries got over to the sporting goods for an ice chest and realized I forgot the sour cream. Had to go all the way back to the other side of the store. I got all checked out and bought 2 bags of ice, got to the car and realized I forgot to grab the ice...seriously! And I was parked in the boonies. Finally got home, got everything cooked and put together and got everything packed up. We had to go get me a swimsuit because I have grown and none of my swimsuits fit. That was an experience. We finally got to Candy's (my aunt) parents and the morning faded away. We went swimming right away. Madeleine had a blast. She loved the noodles and jumping in. She would count to 3, Jump and then scoot to the edge and have us pull her in. We all got out to un-prune and eat. The food was amazing, everyone did a great job. After lunch we started getting warm again so we got back in the pool. Madeleine was getting pretty brave and dipping her face and jumping off the steps. Candy's brother brought his puppy and Madeleine really wanted to love on her but the puppy was a little scared. When we made Maddie get out of the pool she was not happy but Maddie got to walk the puppy so she got over it. When we left Maddie fell asleep before we even made it to the tollway. It was so nice too see everyone and I think everyone had a blast!

Mommy and Maddie and NatNat off to the side.

Kimmie and Maddie with the Noodle

GrandDad and Maddie and Daddy

Madeleine jumping off the step

Mommy and Maddie

Yep, her lips were purple and shaking. We got out.

Taking a break from walking the puppy.

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