Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

So this morning we got up and went to the gym...It was a great workout but my arms are so tired and weak. The baby was very active during the workout so I guess she thought she needed some exercise also. Then Madeleine and I did a little shopping but can't remember what I was going for in the first place. Then we went to the grocery store and with all my coupons I save $19.62...YAY!!! So the morning was very productive! I now have a lot of energy and I am about to go upstairs and clean out the Baby's room and do some more laundry.
I also took my weekly belly picture and I am at the halfway mark. I feel like my belly is funny shaped and I haven't grown as much as I expected to see...but then I was reminded that this child is extremely low and she has filled in my lower abdomin which Maddie didn't do until she dropped. Just rambling...

Off to clean...

1 comment:

Aimee Scogin said...

Yea for belly shots! You look too cute!