Sunday, March 15, 2009


We went to the rodeo on Saturday was, well...the worst rodeo I have ever been to! All of the contestants did horrible, most got penalties or disqualified and the ones that did qualify were pathetic times and scores. Then one of the helpers was hearding a horse and his horse fell over. The guy got up and pet his horse and walked him out, I was so upset because the horse seemed stunned and I was just hoping the horse wasn't hurt. Well, then shortly after that a bucking horse came out fell and broke is leg. Oh yes, the leg was dangling and they had already said how the horse was really old so you know they are just going to put it down. I was almost in tears and having to cover my eyes because the leg was so bad. It was really depressing. Then I thought they were going to skip the calf scramble which is my favorite part, but they didn't. They did it in less than half of the arena so it was very quick and not very exciting, so it was a pretty disappointing. They did have this new event called Mutton Busting...I think. Well, these little kids 4-6 ride sheep. It was so cute!!! They had the bull fighters down there which just added to the cuteness. The first few kids fell pretty fast but when they fell off they would get up and throw there hands in the air. The older kids came up and they were able to hold on longer, in fact one of them held on almost the whole time. Then here comes one kid, held on while the sheep was jumping and then rode on the side before falling, the kid got up, and threw HER hands up. Yep, Her,it was a girl!!! I was super excited and decided Maddie needed to do that. She is a little tank and very strong willed and would e perfect. Now if she will stay tough! Josh Turner was the concert and it was really good! He is so hot and his voice doesn't seem to match him but who cares! So rodeo was awful, Maddie is going to ride a sheep one day and the Concert was great!

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