Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday Morning

I got a migraine last night so I did not get too much sleep. Yesterday I had to wake Madeleine up at 8:15am and she still was not having it. She fussed at me, rolled over and went back to sleep. I pulled her out of bed and got her ready for church screaming and kicking. Since I did not sleep last night I was hoping she would sleep a late again this luck. She was up around 7:10 and crying, I went in there and her arm was tangled in her shirt. I don't know if she was taking her shirt off or on but either way her arm was all twisted up. I got her untangled and sat down to rock her for a second to calm her down. She saw her bedtime book and reached for it. I put her down and she was flipping through it and all of a sudden grabbed my hand. I was thinking she was ready to go down stairs, nope, She pulled me out of the chair so she could get in. Then she asked for her book and started reading it.

Yesterday we were going to get dinner and Madeleine got ready by getting a hat and the keys and was knocking on the door. She is a mess.

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

What can I say? The girl knows what she wants! :)