Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trip to the Hospital

Last night I lost some mucus...I did not think too much about this because with Maddie a lost a little here and a little there and then a week before she was born the actual plug. Since it wasn't too much I just figured that process had started. This morning Maddie and I went to VBS and I noticed I was a little uncomfortable but I figured it was just because I was tired and had been busy this week. About 10:00am I started cramping. When they had not stopped by 1:30, I decided to call Jahno and ask if he thought I should call the doctor. He of course said yes. I just expected them to say this was normal stuff and be done with it. I had to leave a message...not wanting to wait for them to call me back, I called my nurse-line with the Healthy Pregnancy Program through our insurance. She asked me several questions and then told me that cramps could actually be contractions and the fact that I had lost some mucus meant I really needed to go get checked out. I needed to call my Dr. ASAP and if they couldn't see me then I needed to go to L&D. I called the Dr. back and explained the situation. They did not want to take any chances either so sent me to the hospital. But I had to have someone drive me. I called my mom, she was heading over and I called Jahno so he could meet me up there. Mom's car wouldn't start so I drove up to her work and let her drive the rest of the way. Got to the hospital and had to wait for a room...apparently it is a full moon because they were overloaded with pregnant women. I was hooked up to a monitor and they ran labs. Gianna was doing somersaults, she does not like to have stuff on my belly, but her she looked great. My cervix is extremely soft which is why I lost some mucus, I was dehydrated which I did not understand because I have been drinking more water than I ever have in my life but that is why I was cramping. I do not have the pre-term labor hormone so I just have to drink tons more water and rest rest rest!!!

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