Monday, July 20, 2009

Another Dinner Diaster

So I looked up new recipes, they were suppose to be quick and easy. There was a Alvocado Enchilada recipe that sounded great!!! I got all the ingredients only to find out later that I could have used pre-made Guacamole. It took me 50 mins just to get everything chopped up and mashed up when it said it would only take 5 mins. I cooked it for 30 mins. Jahno came home and complained which I was not happy considering I spent so much time prepping and burning my hands with all the ingredients. Then I guess the jalapeno wasn't chopped up enough because they were still crunchy and very strong...and Jahno doesn't like jalapenos anyways. And the Cilantro was way over powering. Needless to say we ended up going somewhere to eat. I am kinda at a lost because I am having a hard time prepping stuff with Maddie into everything and Jahno seems to be with the worst food critic ever!!! I told Jahno to make the menu...we'll see what happens.

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