Monday, July 20, 2009

Oh Dear....

Madeleine has never put stuff in her mouth. Even as a baby she rarely chewed on toys and never put things like leaves or old cereal or anything she just found on the floor in her mouth. She is now 2 and just today, she pulled a banana of the counter, had it opened and have eaten before I even came out of the bathroom, she found a fruit loop on the floor and was eating it...luckily I caught that one fast and had her spit it out and then as I was getting my (not) easy dinner together (another bog to come) she climbed up to the table and found an old Cheeto in her chair and was eating it. She is also at the perfect height to pull stuff off the counter...which is how she got the banana. But she is also getting stuff she is not suppose to. It is great that she wants to be independent and exploring everything but at the same time it is stressful because she is so fast!


Aimee Scogin said...

At least everything was a food product!

Kimmie said...

Sounds like that girl was hungry! :) Actually, I think that she is learning that food tastes different and she's exploring -either way - she's a handful! :)