Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Maddie's First Real Hair Cut

I took Maddie to the Beauty Shop today for her first real hair cut and we met Kimmie there. I say her first real hair cut because when she was about a year I did a little trim to control the mullet issue. We walked in and she got up in the chair and I explained I just wanted a slight trim...clean it up and even it out. Maddie was having a hard time looking down for more than a second and wanted to look around. But she did great and it looks good. At first I thought it looked soooo short but we got home and up it up so she could have her sucker and you can't tell it is that much shorter.

Getting Started

Trying to look down


Finishing up

She got a sucker for doing so well

At home with her Sucker (She kept saying Don't Bite It, so I am assuming someone has given her a sucker before...)

1 comment:

Aimee Scogin said...

How cute! Maddie has gorgeous hair... so jealous! But you're right... I do remember the awkward mullet stage. Funny how they grow out of those things! :)