Friday morning I had a lot on my plate and finally realized I was not going to be able to get everything done that I wanted to. Madeleine was in a little bit of a "I can do it" mood but a little clingy also. We went to the Fire Station with Mom's Club. Madeleine was scared of everything, she wanted to go Stop, Drop and Roll but when we got up there she wanted up, She wanted to give the Fireman high five but when we got up there she wanted up, she went to the front of the line to go inside the fire truck and then didn't want to go and she was not having anything to do with Sparky! She did turn the water on and off though.
Madeleine and Elijah held hands the whole time!
Madeleine in the Fire Truck with Aimee and Grant.
Madeleine on the Fire Truck.
Madeleine turning the water on and off
Madeleine and Mommy with Sparky.
Madeleine and her Fire Hat.
After the Fire Station Tour Madeleine, Kimmie, Nat Nat and I had lunch together and then I met up with Jahno and had Lunch with his parents (Yep, I ate 2 lunches...but they were small) and then Jahno and I were off to Austin. We got to the hotel and it was super nice, we had the King Suite with a living room and TV and a bedroom and TV. We relaxed a little bit before heading to dinner with one of Jahno's old college roommate. We had real authentic Chinese Food. It was family style and the best food ever. I was a little bothered by the Ducks hanging in there and extremely bothered when the guy walked by with a pan of duck heads! We hung out and had a blast. When we got back to the hotel we were waiting for the elevator in the parking garage and there was a roach on a chicken wing...I was terrified! (Stay turn on the roach stuff) The next morning Jahno and I got up and had the cook to order breakfast which was great. Jahno went to work and I went back to the room to get ready for a relaxing day. I was going to the movies but couldn't really find a theater so I decided to go on an adventure. I went to the parking garage only to see the roach pushing the chicken wing...EWWWW! I drove for over 30 mins and finally found a theater in a another dirty away. Most of the areas I drove around were dirty. UP was sold out for the next 2 and half hours so I bought the ticket and ventured off again. I forgot to bring Jahno underwear so I had to find a store. It took a hour just to find anything other than a Walgreens. The streets have 2 different names and go in circles and my navigation was so confessed that it quit! I finally found a Target and spent time stolling, got Jahno's undies and a lovely pool for Maddie's Party. Got to the movies ordered a Ice Tea and Fried Pickles. The movie was great but I was annoyed that when I got the bill and the Ice tea was $3.99, that should be illegal!!! Went back to the Hotel to see the roach and a bird eating the chicken wing! Jahno finally got finished around 8:30pm and we went to dinner. We were going to go to Freebirds but we drove by a Joe's Crab Shack and coconut shrimp sounded great. We were eating a lovely dinner on the water and half way through the dinner 2 roaches run under our table. Geeees!!! We moved tables, finished our dinner and left. We hung out with Jahno's roommate and his wife again and had a great time. So South Austin was extremely dirty, Longhorns obviously designed there terrible road systems but enjoyed time with my hubby and friends!
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