Thursday, September 10, 2009

Astros Game and Dr. Appt

Jahno and I went to the Astros game last night. To start with, the National Anthem always chokes me up, no matter what I get teary eyes! Well, last night a soldier sang it was even more powerful! Then a Marine who had to have both legs amputated threw the first pitch! Talk about the water works!!! The game started and our fielding was great but our hitting was pathetic! A good thing about the game being so boring was Jahno and I got to chit chat which we don't do that nearly as often as I would like. Anyways towards the beginning of the game Hunter made a mistake and the Braves got a run. We got to the bottom of the ninth still down by one we got a base hit, and another and then the chickens walked Lee! So the bases are loaded and Tejada (however you spell it) is up to bat. He hit it right in the in the hole and we got 2 runs in!!! YAY!!! Talk about a frustrating game but hey we pulled it off!

This morning I had a Dr. appt. Klein called it my 36 week appt so we had the Group B test and he checked me. I am 2 cm and Gianna is head down and right there. Everything looks good. Jahno is trying to bargain with Gianna, but as with Maddie Gianna will be here when she wants to be here. I am ready because the not fun symptoms are here but I feel like my house isn't ready (once again). Not to mention I am hoping she will wait until after my shower but who knows. :-)

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