Thursday, August 27, 2009

Been a while

We went to Victoria this past weekend and had a blast. We got there Saturday morning, we had lunch and ran some errands. Then Nikki and Ryan and the Girls and Sue Sue got there and we ran more errands and headed out for dinner. We went to Clark's at Port O'Conner. It was really neat, we sat right on the water and watched the boats and Dolphins go by. Madeleine has amazing eyes and was pointing out the dolphins before any of us saw them. Then we went back to Meme's for August Celebration Cake which was yummy. Sunday morning we had a amazing breakfast and the others went ahead and headed back to Dallas area. I had to lay down because I was hurting. We had a great lunch and headed home. We had lots of amazing food which showed at my Dr. Appt. :-/ Jahno was able to get my stove fixed on Monday so I am thrilled about thrilled I ate a whole can of cinnamon rolls the next day, also aided in my weight gain.

I had my Doctor's appointment this morning and it went well. I gained 6 pounds in 2 weeks which I was a little upset about but once I started thinking about everything I ate over the weekend and this week it makes sense. Side note, I think it should be illegal for a OB office to have reflective glass! As I was walking up I noticed I looked sorta big but once I sat down and looked out the window I looked HUGE! And finding out I gained 6 pounds didn't help. Anyways. Yesterday I started having some cramping/contractions so I drank water and laid down. I was up pretty much all night because of them and hip pains. They weren't regular so I wasn't too worried. They were still there this morning. Dr. Klein said it was just false labor and just watch it. If they become regular then call immediately. Oh and he would not stop me if I went into labor...that scared me! He said not to be afraid to call or come in to get checked because we don't want to have a baby at home. Maddie came so fast and the second usually goes faster. So everything looks good and just taking it day by day!

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