Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Before I get to Trunk or Treat, for my baby shower the hostess gift was a Cleaning Lady. She came today and did an amazing job, I will never be able to get my house this clean, we are talking hospital sterile!

Tonight after church we were suppose to have Trunk or Treat. All the kids were going to dress up in their "G Rated" costumes and hit up all the trunks for candy. Well, the weather was yucky so they set up tables and did it in the fellowship hall. Madeleine was a bit overwhelmed but did great! She went to each table and said thank you! Gianna just sleep through the whole thing. Everyone loved both of their costumes and everyone was surprised that I made Gianna's. We can't wait for Saturday!

Cowgirl Madeleine

Moo Cow Gianna

Madeleine roped her cow

Madeleine collecting her candy

And more

And more

Me and the girls (I am laughing because I fell, I guess my balance is still off)

Grand Dad and the girls

Madeleine and Amanda

Maddie and Daddy with all the treats (Maddie got to have one treat tonight and of course it was M&M's)

1 comment:

Erica said...

I LOVE the "utters"! That's too funny! Ask your cleaning lady if she'll come to Waco!