Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting the hang of things...

I am trying to get into a routine. It is working a lot better in my head then for real but hopefully soon it will all work out. I had to get my inspection done this morning and Madeleine was just a little angel, the people could not believe she was only 2. And Gianna slept the whole time. Well, Maddie told me she wasn't ready to go home yet so I said well since you were so good how about we go get chicken nuggets? She was all for that. I ordered a 10 piece thinking that would be plenty for the 2 of us. She picked the biggest ones which was fine, I was feeding Gianna so I was waiting to eat. She asked for more chicken nuggets...she ate 6 and all but 3 fries!!!! I had to scarf those 4 little ones down! Then at dinner she had 2 big helpings of pasta...I think she must be growing! The weather was nice so we went for a walk after nap. We had to cut it a little short because the 'squetos were bad! I broke a sweat but not sure if it was because I was walking and pushing the stroller hard or if it was just because I am that out of shape! Both girls loved the walk so we will have to work that into a routine. Oh and I introduced Finding Nemo to Madeleine today. She just kept asking "Where is Nemo?"

Gianna loves the swing and I love her pose!

Madeleine ready for the walk!

Kimmie was right, Gianna didn't roll out! :-D

1 comment:

Kimmie said...

You can put more blankets around her also to stabilize her more. Glad to hear that the girls enjoyed it!