Friday, October 30, 2009

Can you tell the difference?

Sorry for the flash/spotlight but I wanted to post a picture of the 2 syringes. I am still upset and thinking about complaining to the pharmacy.

Little Gianna and the Bad Tech

Poor little Gianna has reflux. They prescribed Xantac for her and gave us some tips to help. When I went to pick it up, I asked pharmacy tech how to give it to her. She told me to give her .6 ml twice a day and gave me a syringe to show me how much it was. It looked like sooooo much medicine and I had the terrible feeling in my stomach. I text Courtney because her daughter also had reflux. I got home and opened the bag, pulled out the medicine and 2 very small syringes. The tech had given me a syringe measuring 6 ml!!! There is a huge difference between 6 and .6!!! I had planned on calling the doctor to double check...I am so glad I listened to my gut and read the instructions myself!!! It just proves you have to double check everything no matter what. And why does a pharmacy tech who had to get training and certified not know the difference between 6 and .6 ml?

Anyways we started the meds this morning and also trying the wide nipple Dr.Browns. We like the Dr.Brown bottles but sometimes it seems like she can't really latch onto the nipple when she is really uncomfortable.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Trunk or Treat

Before I get to Trunk or Treat, for my baby shower the hostess gift was a Cleaning Lady. She came today and did an amazing job, I will never be able to get my house this clean, we are talking hospital sterile!

Tonight after church we were suppose to have Trunk or Treat. All the kids were going to dress up in their "G Rated" costumes and hit up all the trunks for candy. Well, the weather was yucky so they set up tables and did it in the fellowship hall. Madeleine was a bit overwhelmed but did great! She went to each table and said thank you! Gianna just sleep through the whole thing. Everyone loved both of their costumes and everyone was surprised that I made Gianna's. We can't wait for Saturday!

Cowgirl Madeleine

Moo Cow Gianna

Madeleine roped her cow

Madeleine collecting her candy

And more

And more

Me and the girls (I am laughing because I fell, I guess my balance is still off)

Grand Dad and the girls

Madeleine and Amanda

Maddie and Daddy with all the treats (Maddie got to have one treat tonight and of course it was M&M's)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Mom's Club Party

Today was the Mom's Club Halloween Party at a Pumpkin Patch. We tried to take lots of pictures but Madeleine who is usually a camera hog was not interested in the camera at all. We colored bags and then went on a ghost hunt. Ms. Sarah helped Maddie since I was holding Gianna. We all took long naps and then went for a nice walk and then played outside for quite a while. It was a busy but great day and the weather was perfect!

In the Pumpkin Patch (Gianna's one eye)

Jennifer brought her bumbo and fabric and let us try it (Gianna is still too little)

Gianna's poor broke neck and Maddie was saying cheese just not a big smile.

Us Girls

Maddie and the Scare Crow

Madeleine with the Big Pumpkins

Madeleine coloring her bag

Ghost Hunting

Ms.Sarah helping Maddie

Enjoying a snack

Gianna "playing" after our walk

Madeleine driving her car

Keeping Gianna covered from the wind while we played outside

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Tonight Gianna got her bath, put on her lady bug outfit from Aunt Erin and played with her rattle. So cute! She likes being on the floor but big sister prevents that a lot.

And there is the tongue

And she lost the rattle

Simple Pleasures

The other night I super cleaned the living room after the girls went to bed and decided to vacuum. The next morning Madeleine came downstairs and yelled "Vacuumed!" She took off her socks and was rubbing her feet on the carpet and then laid down and was rolling on it. She looked at me and said, "It is soooooooo soft!" It was like the child was seeing snow for the first time! (I really do vacuum often, I promise)

Monday, October 19, 2009

Getting the hang of things...

I am trying to get into a routine. It is working a lot better in my head then for real but hopefully soon it will all work out. I had to get my inspection done this morning and Madeleine was just a little angel, the people could not believe she was only 2. And Gianna slept the whole time. Well, Maddie told me she wasn't ready to go home yet so I said well since you were so good how about we go get chicken nuggets? She was all for that. I ordered a 10 piece thinking that would be plenty for the 2 of us. She picked the biggest ones which was fine, I was feeding Gianna so I was waiting to eat. She asked for more chicken nuggets...she ate 6 and all but 3 fries!!!! I had to scarf those 4 little ones down! Then at dinner she had 2 big helpings of pasta...I think she must be growing! The weather was nice so we went for a walk after nap. We had to cut it a little short because the 'squetos were bad! I broke a sweat but not sure if it was because I was walking and pushing the stroller hard or if it was just because I am that out of shape! Both girls loved the walk so we will have to work that into a routine. Oh and I introduced Finding Nemo to Madeleine today. She just kept asking "Where is Nemo?"

Gianna loves the swing and I love her pose!

Madeleine ready for the walk!

Kimmie was right, Gianna didn't roll out! :-D

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Weekend

Jahno had to go to Austin this weekend to save the world once again. j/j They are using some new program so they had to go test it at the Disaster Recovery Location. So this is the first time I have ever been in this house alone and it has been a very long time I have been without Jahno period. So I was very anxious. Friday night I cleaned our room and did all the laundry (trust me, this was a huge task!) and watched Juno. I also got all the maternity clothes together and started hanging up my old clothes. My thinking is that if I get rid of my maternity clothes it will motivate me faster to get back into shape. (We'll see) Saturday we got up and headed to Kimmie's the weather was great so Maddie got to play outside quite a bit and we watched football. Then Grand Dad and Gianna hung out and Kimmie, Maddie and I went shopping. I wanted a double stroller so we were going to hit up the resale shops. We went to the first 2 and they thought very highly of their stuff. I could get a brand new one for the same price and theirs were dirty and broken! We then went to the Funky Monkey and there was one and they gave it to me for half price! Madeleine found a stick horse and got on it and started galloping and saying Giddy Up! It was soooo cute so we had to get it! And they also have bows and head bands and stuff (Not used) so I got Gianna a head band since she does not have as much hair as Maddie did. Then Sunday we went to Church and then watched football. Gianna is staying awake a lot more and a lot longer which is great but then I don't get to rest, but I love seeing her eyes open so it is worth it. Here are some pictures of the weekend.

She was sucking her thumb

Sorry Dad...we were having a hard time getting everyone to cooperate

Madeleine was not wanting to take pictures this weekend.

Giddy Up

Gianna and Madeleine "Sleeping" and holding hands

Kimmie and the Girls (Maddie holding Gianna's hand)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Terrible No Good Awful Day!!!

I try not to complain on here to often but this has been just a terrible day and I need to vent and get it off my chest.
-Gianna spit up (for the first time since we have been home) in her bed and laid in in for who knows how long so it was caked to her head...oh yes that starts the morning.

-Madeleine woke up and insisted on watching Sesame Street so I thought I would bribe her so I could lay in bed a little longer...she found my mentholatam and used it as lotion on her legs!

-As we were getting ready Madeleine was giving me a hard time about going upstairs to get dressed. I went upstairs and she usually would follow me, well she didn't so I busted out the full name and she came. She was being silly on the stairs and doing this weird crawl she does often but about half way up she decided to stand up and leaned to far back and fell down the stairs! Head over heals rolled down the stairs! She is ok, it just scared her and me!

-I had a doctors appointment with a kinda new doctor and lost her business card so I did not know where I was going. In between school zones I was trying to get Jahno to tell me where it was. Popi and Nana were going to watch the girls and half way there I get pulled over because my inspection sticker it out! I told him I had just had a baby and just forgot about it and he told me my husband should have been more responsible. So I got a ticket but if I get my sticker fixed the "might" dismiss it.

-Then went to get my prescription filled and because we still have not received our cards they gave me a really hard time and were going to charge me $321.15 for a month of meds! So I had to get on the phone in the middle of the store and get info that the stupid clerk could have done herself! I go to do my shopping and the real reason I am there is for diapers and formula and the little odds and ins, well they are out of my diapers!!! I dig and dig and find one package that is open but I have diapers. I got to check out and forget to give my coupons that totaled over $10!

So now I am home, I put Madeleine to bed, I vented, I am about to bathe Gianna, put Gianna to bed, shower, pray tomorrow is better and go to sleep! (I feel a little better:-])

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Houston, It Fell Off!!!!

Yes, Gianna's belly button finally fell off after 18 days! They never should have told me 7 to 14 days because I was going crazy! I decided to save ya'll the pictures but had to share the great news...I am not afraid anymore!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oh Madeleine...

Madeleine....well...has been trying herself a little bit lately. She only wants to eat and drink my stuff. We can have the same exact thing on the our plates but she wants to eat Mommy's. I catch her sneaking my drinks and when I say her name she quickly says, "Please, can I drink?" We catch her in the kitchen trying to eating stuff also. We are trying to get through to her that she has to ask if she wants something. And we are trying to make sure we put stuff up also. Well, Jennifer made us an amazing Gumbo and Rice and Brownies. Jennifer had to run so I was walking her out and started back to the kitchen and this is what I found.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Gianna's 2 week appt

We saw the doctor this morning and everything went great! Dr. Q was very impressed at how alert she was. She is already lifting her head and looking around and she is following voices and people...that is was he was the most impressed with. He stated that we should watch for milestones a couple months earlier. She weighs 7lbs 8.5oz and is 20 1/2in long. (And has Jahno's tiny head, maybe tiny heads=genius)Today Gianna decided she just wanted to stay awake and be held all day. The house will get done sometime...hopefully.

We also went to Story Time at Aimee's house for Mom's Club. We read Where the Wild Things Are and then made Crowns. It was very nice!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

More Gianna

We are still getting use to everything. I had a little stay in the hospital but everything is ok and we are getting back into the grove of things. Madeleine loves Gianna and will tell everyone she possible can, "I LOVE HER!" She tells me when she is crying, when her eyes are open or closed and lately has been trying to share toys. We have had a couple of moments where Maddie has had a little melt down and wanted me to herself or when she wanted in the Boppy instead of Gianna. Hopefully we can start getting some sort of cleaning routine added into the taking care of the girls. Oh and I have to get the rest of my thank you notes done...brain fart. Here are some pictures and I will try to do little posts more often.
Grand Dad and Gianna

Stretch Baby Stretch

Maddie was sharing her blanket with us

Me and my Girls

Madeleine sharing her elephant

That tongue is always out

Madeleine sharing her pumpkin

Pretty Girl

Someone was a little jealous

Tummy Time wore her out