Friday, January 29, 2010

Madeleine's Reward

Over the Christmas break Natalie left her Beta at our house and we babysat it for almost a month. During that time Madeleine renamed the fish and told me that the fish was hers. I explained that it was Nat Nat's fish and it WAS going back. She did this really really sad face and said she wanted a goldfish. (The light bulb went off) I told Maddie when she went potty in the potty all the time we would go get her a goldfish. She was pretty excited. We started really potty training last week with only a couple of accidents. I told her if she did not have any accidents this week we would go get her a goldfish. Madeleine did it! She was sick last night so she stayed home from school today. She was feeling perfectly fine so we ran some errands and finally got a goldfish...except it isn't a goldfish.

We went to Pets Mart and started looking at the goldfish and all the other fish. We ended up with 2 Black Tetra Fish which are tropical fish, they are Clear/Silver with black stripes. Our friend Daniel had a 10 gallon tank and all the stuff which is why I said ok to the tropical fish. As we were going home we asked Maddie what she wanted to name then. She said Dorthy. We asked about the other one and she said Max and Ruby. We tried to narrow them down with her but she just didn't understand. I was getting everything set up and realized I needed some other stuff so I went to Wal-mart, got the stuff and a "gold"fish...another Tetra but it has orange on it. So we have Dorthy, Max and Ruby. So my cheap idea turned into a pretty pricey one and much more work. Oh well. I did add some A&M flare. :-) Here are a couple of pictures.

It is hard to see the fish but here is the tank.