Wednesday, February 3, 2010

4 Month Check Up

Today I took Gianna to her 4 month check up. Before I get into her details, Madeleine seems to be completely potty trained, YAY!!! Madeleine also had to get her flu booster shot and did not shed a tear, she is such a big girl! Back to Gianna, she hit 12 lbs and is in the 11th percentile for weight, she is in the 47th percentile in length and her head in is the 5th percentile. She she is tall and clue where she gets that from. :-) I was a little worried about her head, the doctor said that her head is growing but we are going to watch it to make sure she continues to grow. She is very active for a 4 month old and she is scoring above average on everything which they have said she she was born. The doctor also said we could start cereal and baby food whenever we were ready. She does have a bump on her chest that we are going to watch also but all the good out weighed the questionables so it was a good visit.

We all had a stomach bug last week which wasn't fun but we are all good now. Madeleine is going through some 2 year old issues which we hope to solve quickly. She is doing great with dance, tumbling and music. My classes are going good but I am ready for the semester to be over so I can take some fun classes. Well, that is about it for now.


Aimee Scogin said...

Wow! Four months already! Can't believe it... what did they say the bump could be?

The Braquet's said...

They didn't say much,just asked how long it had been there and to keep watching it.