Thursday, November 5, 2009

Be Careful Little Eyes...

So I was thinking about the little song that goes, "Be careful little eyes what you see..." And it is soooo true. To start I am not a big fan of Cailou, I think he is a big whinny baby and the show just really gets on my nerves! Well, Madeleine mimics that show often, which is ok when she pretends to be in space or talks about animals or dinosaurs. But a couple days ago Cailou was whinier than ever and he was finding every excuse not to go to sleep and began talking about a scary monster. Madeleine almost immediately started talking about the scary monster and having me check all sorts of places for the scary monster. This went on pretty much all day and both Jahno and I told her she wasn't going to be allowed to watch Cailou anymore if she didn't stop. Well she stopped until it was time to go to bed and was soooo upset about the scary monster! I checked every where but she was still so upset! She did not believe me when I was telling her there was no such thing as a scary monster. The only thing that worked was telling her that the scary monster was already asleep and wouldn't bother her. Since that episode every time it is time to go to sleep the scary monster is an issue! We monitor what she watches and really only let her watch educational shows! Cailou is on PBS and I would say pretty educational but Madeleine will not be watching that show anymore and I guess we will need to watch every show before she does from now on.

This afternoon was beautiful outside so we spent most of the afternoon outside. We tried to blow bubbles but Madeleine spilled them and then the bottle was too bubbly. Then we played with the shopping cart and Madeleine's car and Paisley. Gianna was awake most of the time. Here are some pictures.

Madeleine and the bubbles.

Gianna wasn't too interested in the bubbles

The End of the bubles

Madeleine and her shopping cart

Madeleine wanted to hold Gianna

She has so many expressions already

Gianna gave up and it started getting cool

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