Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sea World and More

A couple of weekends ago we took the girls to Sea World. We got to San Antonio late Friday night and the hotel had messed up our reservations so gave us a suite instead. That was really nice! Saturday morning we got up and headed to Breakfast at IHop, Madeleine ate 5 pancakes and says she was hungry a hour later...don't know where she puts it! We got to Sea World and it was pretty cold and windy. We saw Shamu and then went to see Big Bird's Beach Party and then decided it was just too cold to be out there so we left. We took Maddie to Chuck E. Cheese and then back to the hotel to nap. That night we went shopping at a mall. The next day we got up again and headed to Sea World again. This time it was sooooo much better! It was still cool when especially when the wind blew but it was not miserable! We went to a couple of shows, looked at exhibits and then Maddie and I even rode a "roller coaster". She was only tall enough for the log ride but she loved it and did not want to get off! We had a lot of fun!

The More- Gianna started throwing up the Thursday before we left for Sea World, in San Antonio it only got worse and by Tuesday we were extremely worried. Our doctor sent us to Texas Children's because it sounded like she had another hernia. We waited in the waiting room for over 3 hours during this time Gianna started vomiting blood, when I went to tell the nurse he said not to worry because she was
still pink. I might have lost it a little...What do you mean it is ok because she is pink, she threw up blood, what color does she need to be to worry!?! They finally got us back in a room, ran tests and took x-rays. She does have another hernia but they are just going to watch it and hopefully this one will fix itself.They let us feed she and told us if she kept it down they would send us home. They sent us home and as soon as we got home she threw up again! We took her to our doctor who admitted her into Clear Lake so they could take care of her. We were there from Wednesday to Friday afternoon. All of her tests came back fine. What they were telling us is she probably had a little virus which started the vomiting and then her stomach became so inflamed that it could hold anything. They had her on an IV for a full 24 hours and then we could give her 1 oz of pedialyte every 15 mins, she was ticked about that. After she kept that down we were able to give her 1 oz of formula every 15 mins...again she did not like that either. She is doing fine now though she is eating every 2 and a half hours during the day but she is sleeping through the night. We are also going to see a Occupational Therapist because she refuses to eat cereal or baby food and she is underweight. She is pulling up and standing at only 6 months and crawling all over the place so she is doing great developmentally!

It is not letting me post pictures so I will try again later.

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