Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Longest Blog Ever...

Last week we got a call that my Little Papa was in the hospital but no one really knew what was going on. On Tuesday night been I was giving Gianna her bath I found a pretty big knot, she had some sort of rash and she did not want me to touch it. I call the nurseline and it was a joke, I knew more than this nurse knew and then got online after talking to her and she was just reading off a website. I saw the Doctor Wednesday morning and she told me that she had a little bit of a yeast infection and the lump was probably a cyst, nothing to worry about but we should get an ultrasound to figure out what it was. As I was leaving the Doctor's I got a phone call that my Little Meme was in the ER. I asked my mom if I should go down to Victoria to help Meme (I have 3 Memes), she told me to call Sue Sue and Sue Sue said yes. I got everything together and headed out. Madeleine fell asleep right away but Gianna cried and cried. She hates to car seat but usually she will calm down after a while and go to sleep. Not so this time, I pulled over at Bucees and tried to feed her. She didn't eat too much and was still fussy. We got to Victoria, we got up to Little Papa's room and as soon as I got Gianna out of the car seat she threw up on me. Not just spit up, nasty throw up and there was a lot of it. I tried to clean us up the best I could and thought she had just been car sick. We left the hospital and took Little Meme home with us, she had just had a anxiety attack and her blood pressure got too high. At Meme's house Gianna threw up again and again and again. I asked Meme if there was a Redi Clinic or something like that just to get her checked out. The PA came in took one look at Gianna's lump and called for the Doctor. She took a look and told me it was an abscess and she needed to have surgery fast. We got to the ER, they drew her blood and tried to get something out of the "abscess" but couldn't. I told them I had a hernia when I was a baby and wanted to make sure that was not what it was. And everyone told me no it had to be an abscess. We were admitted and tried a couple of things to get the abscess to come to a head but nothing work. I again asked if it could be a hernia but was told no. The pedi floor gives stuffed animals donated from Mauriece's in the mall and a blanket from the Linus Project, so sweet. Side of the things we tried was soaking Gianna in a warm bath. She was sticking her tongue out, the nurse thought she was thirsty, so she let the water run down her hand towards Gianna's mouth. Gianna drank the water like a little Puppy Dog, It was sooo cute! We finally go to surgery and I was so scared. We got to the OR, one of the nurses had a Teddy Bear waiting for Gianna which I thought was so sweet. They explained what they were going to do, took my baby though the doors and sent me to the waiting room...that was the worst feeling I have ever had! The surgeon came out and said it wasn't an abscess, it was a hernia and it had twisted and strangled something that looked like an ovary but not to worry because women can get pregnant with one ovary. Her getting pregnant was the last thing on my mind but I did want to know what the mass was and I wanted to say I told you so to everyone! I went back to the recovery room and feed her pedilight and consoled her. One of the doctors said it was the coolest and weirdest thing he had ever saw and that it made his night...thanks, I guess. One of the nurses was walking by with the mass and I asked to see it. The mass was just a little smaller than a golf ball and kinda looked like those gummy candy brains. We received and little lamb that says a pray and some balloons from the church the next day and that made us feel very loved. We were released from the hospital, stayed one more night and headed home. Gianna was doing so good, happy, smiling, eating, just a completely different baby. Then Sunday night she was fussy and not eating so well. Monday her incision was red and she was fussy and not eating. The doctor wanted us to go to Texas Children's to have a pedi surgeon look at it and switched her formula. The surgeon took a culture because her incision had started bleeding and sent us down for an ultrasound. The preliminary path report said the mass was reproductive tissue, possible an ovary, the ultrasound should she has everything in there so now they have no idea what it was. The mass was sent to MD Anderson and we should find out what it was in 1 to 2 weeks. Her incision was slightly infected so she is on antibiotics and the formula seems to be doing fine. Little papa is out of the hospital also. We will keep everyone posted as we get the results.

Sorry the pictures are all out of order.

1 comment:

Janice said...

This is Beau's mom and I was just reading about Gianna. I am praying and hopeful she will be okay soon.