Saturday, May 15, 2010

The results

I thought I had blogged but apparently not...I have been losing my mind lately! I went Thursday for my post-op appointment and got the results. It is NOT lymphoma which is amazing news! I have hyperplasia which basically means my lymph nodes are extremely over reactive. Apparently the symptoms I was having were actually from some type of cold or virus and my lymphs had over reacted and continued to over react and did not know how to calm down. They said that is highly unlikely to happen again but I do need to monitor things monthly especially since I am at higher risk of cancer. The post-op infection is getting better and she thinks that is was caused by an allergic reaction to the adhesive in the steri stripe. so we are very happy to find that out!

We go back this week to check on Gianna's ears and Madeleine is actually running fever and complaining about tummy and back pains which sounds like another UTI or the same one. One day, ONE DAY we will all be well! :-)

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