Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sickie Ickies

We went back to the doctor's on Thursday because Gianna's breathing had not gotten any better. We saw our normal doctor this time. The day before that doctor had said he could not see in Gianna's ear because there was a wax ball but he thought her ears were probably fine. Thursday our Doctor saw the wax, cleaned it out and sure enough she has an ear infection. She also said Gianna did have Bronchiolitis, basically it sounds like nurse friends can correct me if I am off. Either way we started breathing treatments and an antibiotic and she seems to be doing so much better!

I went back to the doctor because I have had a lump/knot in my neck for over a month. Tried an antibiotic to see if it was just swollen glands from an infection but nothing happened. So once the doctor asked about family history he wanted me to go see a specialist. I called the specialist and they also asked about family history and wanted to get me in ASAP! I called on Thursday and if the doctors saw people on Friday they would have gotten me in then but instead I am going tomorrow, Monday morning. I was trying not too worry about it but the doctors are making me worry a bit.

And now to Miss Madeleine Alaine. This morning she slept later than normal and when I tried to wake her up I notice she was burning up and really whinny. I took her temp and sure enough she had fever. I gave her tylenol and we headed to Church. She was very lathargic and clingy and had to go potty several times during church. When we got to Kimmie's, had some tummy issues and just laid around. Kimmie and I went to Lindsay's Shower and came back to Kimmie's to find Madeleine asleep on the floor in the Formal Living Room. We covered her up and Dad and Grand Dad said that she wanted to lay there so they let her. She woke up crying and telling me her throat and her back hurt. Her fever was back so I decided to take her to the urgent care our doctor had said to use. When we got there her temp was almost 104 and she was just miserable. We were able to get motrin in her and 2 pedialyte popcicles in her. The doctor came and said she had white spots on her tonsils and did a strep test. While waiting on those results we got her to pee in a cup. She is negative for Strep but does have a UTI. So the poor baby got hit with a double whammy, a throat infection and a UTI. So now she is also on Antibiotics!

One day everyone will be well...ONE DAY!

I will post as soon as I find anything out about my lump.

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