Thursday, February 18, 2010


Well, this week has been crazy and busy. Gianna decided she wasn't ready for solid food so we are going to try again in another month. Gianna has started rolling across the floor. She has also been attempting to crawl but is just scooting. I think it is too early for all this but I guess she knows best. Dr. Q did say that I should plan on her hitting milestones early but it is just too early. :-) Madeleine is doing good with school but she has started getting in bed with us in the mornings. A couple of times I have been able to get her back to her room but when it is 5 or later I just let her stay. Kimmie said Nat Nat did that for a while...GrandDad says she still does! I hope it doesn't last that long! We are considering getting a dog. And I have my Texas Marine Mammal Stranded Network Training this weekend, which I am extremely excited about. I don't think things are going to slow down anytime soon but we are loving every bit of it!

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