Monday, October 5, 2009

Time to Blog

Jahno is putting Maddie to bed and Gianna thinks the swing is the greatest thing so far so I should have some time to blog. We had to take Gianna back to the doctor 2 days after we were released from the hospital, I wasn't sure if it was jaundice or just routine. They had told us her jaundice was just below the worry line. When we got to the doctor they told us she had lost more weight and that was a concern especially since she is a formula baby. They wanted us to increase her formula to 3 oz...yeah, she doesn't stay awake for the 2 oz but ok. Well we could never get her to take 3 oz, she always went back to sleep or just refuse. I was extremely anxious because I did not know what to do. We got to the doctor today, I am fearing the worse because she is not eating any more than she had been, and she had gained weight. She is not back to her birth weight but she is gaining so that is all that matters. She is pretty set to a schedule, 3 hours at night and usually 4 hours during the day. It would be nice if that would switch but not counting on it. She is really easy going and only cries when she needs something.

Madeleine is doing great with her. Anytime Gianna cries Maddie tells her "It's ok, Gianna!" Well, Gianna has found her lungs and can scream pretty loud when she doesn't get what she needs fast enough. Madeleine now will get louder and louder trying to talk over Gianna's screaming. So by the end I have a screaming 2 years old trying to calm down a screaming week old baby.

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