Thursday, July 2, 2009

Museum Trip

Natalie called this morning and asked if Maddie and I wanted to go to the Museum with her and the kids she Nanny's for. We said sure. It was very crowded and I was extremely anxious again. Last time we went I had the huge stroller so I thought that was why I was so anxious but this time I did not have the stroller and it was way worse. I mean there were a lot more people also but still. It was taking everything I had to not have a full panic attack! I think the next time we go I will have to take a Xanax or something. Anyways, besides my issues, Madeleine and the kids had a blast! The only thing I did not like was that the new part is for 5 and up but Madeleine was able to do all of it...and I let her do quite a bit of it. Especially since they encourage adults to join in so I could help her with all of it. Here are some pictures.

Madeleine working with Molecules

Madeleine Driving the Car

Madeleine held Kathleen's hand the whole time

Daddy would be proud! The other kids did not want to go in this room.

This was a 5+ activity but Madeleine can handle shopping!

Madeleine was trying everything to get the ice cream in with everything else

The crew in the Ambulance

The Girls taking a quick break

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